Chris Weiler

Contra Dance Caller
Goffstown, New Hampshire, USA

Home Experience Dances

Dance Compositions


    By Chris Weiler
    duple improper

      Right Hand Star once around (8)
      Neighbor right shoulder gypsy once, ladies cross set, passing right shoulders, gents follow (~8)

      Neighbor Swing on other side of the set (~16)

      Give and Take to the ladies' side (4)
      Partner swing (12)

      Ladies Chain to Neighbor (8)
      Left Hand Star once around

    Written to be paired with the tune Baridhara by Ian Morrison.

    Written as an auction item for CDSS during English and American Week at Pinewoods, 2010. The winning bidder, Ian Morrison, asked me to write a dance to go with a tune that he had composed. The tune is called Baridhara and the sheet music is here. From Ian:" 'Baridhara' means something like 'the sound of gentle rain or water falling' in high Bangla. (But is mostly known as the name of the diplomatic enclave in Dhaka where many westerners, including me for a while, live.)" Written 5/1/11. First called 5/9/11 at the Concord Scout House.

Amherst & Wooster

    By Chris Weiler
    duple improper - start in long waves, gents facing out

      Balance the waves, Neighbor allemande Right 3/4 (4,4)
      Gentlemen allemande Left 1+1/2 (8)

      Partner balance and swing (4,12)

      Long Lines forward and back (8)
      Ladies start a 1/2 hey by passing right shoulders (8)

      Ladies allemande Right 1+1/2 to waves across the set (8)
      Balance the waves, Neighbor allemande Left 3/4 (4,4)

    Written as an auction item for CDSS during English and American Week at Pinewoods, 2010. The winning bidders, Alex Barron and Jenna Henderson, gave this dance to their friends Dr. Andrew Noble (from Wooster) and Dr. Emily Riddle (from Amherst) on the occasion of their wedding. Written 8/23/10. First called 8/28/10 at the Concord Scout House.

Happy Ending

    By Chris Weiler

      ring balance, Petronella spin one place to the right(4,4)
      Neighbor Allemande Left 1+1/2 (8)

      Ladies pass right shoulders to start a full hey for 4 (16)
      Ladies look left, gents look right to face new neighbors

      Second Neighbor balance & swing (4,12)

      Circle L 3/4 (6)
      Partner Swing (10)

    Written on 5/14/09 in response to a discussion with Julie Vallimont about programming. She made the observation that callers put becket dances before the break or at the end of the evening so everyone can end with a partner swing without the caller talking over the band's big finish. She went on to say that most of those dances do not have a balance at the top of the A1 or the B1. When bands are playing their most energetic set, most build a great deal of energy up to the A1 or B1 and the dancers want a balance there. So I wrote this dance to fill the need.

    Called by myself at the open mic at CDSS American Week at Pinewoods Sunday August 2nd. First called for a dance by Nils Fredland at the same camp on August 4th during the evening dance.

Earl & Squirrel

    By Chris Weiler
    duple improper

      Ladies Allemande Right 1+1/2 (8)
      Partner Swing (8)

      Circle Left 3/4 (8)
      Neighbor do-si-do 1+1/4 to waves across (neighbor in RH, ladies LH in center) (8)

      Balance wave right to left, slide right (4,4)
      Balance wave left to right, slide left (4,4)

      Neighbor balance & swing (4,12)
      Ladies look on the slight right diagonal for a new lady to allemande

    Written at the Down East Country Dance Festival in Topsham, ME on March 28th, 2009 during the rehearsal period for the Festival Orchestra. Called later that afternoon during the Festival Orchestra slot in the main hall. Named for my host's new kitten (Earl of Grey was his full name) and the baby flying squirrel that he thought would be a better snack than playmate.

    This was another case of creating a dance to fit the need. The title of the session was "Well Balanced Contras" and the tune sets had been chosen. I needed a dance with a Rory O'More style balance in the B1 to fit the music and the rest of the session and did not have one in my repertoire.

Vallimont's Steamboat

    By Chris Weiler

      Slide L, Cir L 3/4 with new Neighbors(2,6)
      Neighbor Swing (8)

      Right & Left thru (8)
      Ladies Chain (8)

      Long Lines forward & while backing up, Gents roll Shadow away (8)
      New groups of 4, ring balance, Petronella spin one place to the right(4,4)

      same 4, ring balance, Petronella spin one place to the right and spin 1/2 more to (4,4)
      Partner Swing (8)

    Written to go with the tune Vladimir's Steamboat during NEFFA 2008. Inspired by musician and dancer Julie Vallimont at one o'clock in the morning. April 27, 2008

    If the dancers back up too far during the roll-away, then they have a hard time getting to the balance. Experienced dancers seem to adjust well. Having the dance paired with the tune seems to be key to dancer's enjoyment.

    First called at the Mill City Contra Dance in Manchester, NH May 16th, 2008.

A-1 Reel

    By Chris Weiler
    becket (CCW progresssion)

      Cir L 3/4(8)
      Balance the ring, California Twirl (4,4)

      New Neighbor Balance & Swing (4,12)

      Right & Left Thru (8)
      Ladies Allemande Right 1+1/2(8)

      Partner Balance & Swing (4,12)

    Written at the A-1 Diner in Gardiner, ME October 24th, 2008. Called for the first time that same evening at the North Whitefield contra dance. I was looking for a good dance to go either before the break or at the end of the evening. The dance is simple enough for the dancers and lets the band rock with an energetic tune set. Plus it ends with a partner swing without any changes from the caller. Call it in duple improper formation starting with the A2 for a more standard experience.

Give the Scout a Hand

    By Bob Isaacs & Chris Weiler

      Slide L, Cir L 3/4 with new Neighbors(2,6)
      Neighbor Swing (8)

      Long Lines forward & back(8)
      Gents Allemande Left 1+1/2 to Partner (8)

      Partner right-hand balance, Box the Gnat (4,4)
      1/2 Hey w/hands [Partner pull by R, Gents pull by L, Neighbor pull by R, Ladies Pull by L] (2,2,2,2)

      Partner Balance & Swing (4,12)

    Written June 17th, 2007. At a fundraising dance for the Concord Scout House, Bob offered as a silent auction item to write a dance for the winning bidder. I won the item and suggested that we write a dance together. After a productive session where we wrote many dances from the two fragments I brought to the table, the end result was "Give the Scout a Hand" and "On the Rebound". I really enjoy the connected feeling during this dance. It has worked well at community dances for me.

On the Rebound

    By Bob Isaacs & Chris Weiler

      On left diagonal, Ladies Chain (8)
      Long Lines forward & back (8)

      Circle Left 3/4, pass thru (facing shadow) (6,2)
      Partner Allemande Right 1+1/2 (gents facing in) (8)

      Gents pass Left shoulder to start 1/2 hey, ladies ricochet (push off each other with 2 hands to back up to starting side of the set)(8)
      Neighbor Swing (8)

      Gents Allemande Left 1+1/2 (8)
      Partner Swing (8)

    Written June 17th, 2007. See description for "Give the Scout a Hand". This cool part of this dance is when the women are backing up from the ricochet, the neighbor gent can put his hand on her left shoulder and "catch" her into the swing. The lady must raise her left arm to put it over his shoulder without giving him a whack across the face. I've found demonstrating this with a group of experienced dancers helps quite a bit.

A Slice of Pinewoods

    By Ann Cowan, Tina Fields, Jillian Hovey, Bob Isaacs, Mark Lattanzi, Chris Weiler

      Double Slice Left (move forward on Left diagonal towards first neighbors, back up on left diagonal to end across from 2nd neighbors) (8)
      w/2nd Neighbors Circle Left 3/4, California Twirl (6,2)

      Balance, (4)
      1st Neighbor Swing (12)

      Ladies Chain to Partner (8)
      1/2 Hey (LR, NL, GR, -) (8)

      Partner Balance & Swing (4,12)

    Written at Pinewoods American Dance and Music week. 6 campers up late at night composing this dance until 3am, August 31st, 2006. First called by myself that afternoon at the open microphone session. Carol Ormand called it at the evening dance September 1st, 2006.

Another Slice of Pinewoods

    By Bob Isaacs, Chris Weiler
    duple improper

      Neighbor Balance & Swing (4,12)

      Double Slice Left (move forward on Left diagonal towards first shadow, back up on left diagonal to end across from 2nd shadow) (8)
      w/2nd Shadows Star Right 3/4, past 1st Shadow Left along set (6,2)

      Partner Gypsy & Swing (8,8)

      Ladies Chain to Neighbor (8)
      Star Left once around

    Written at Pinewoods American Dance and Music week. Bob and I re-wrote Slice of Pinewoods at lunch that same day to be a more neighbor centered dance, August 31st, 2006.

No Use Crying Over Spilled Milk

    By Chris Weiler
    becket mixer

      Partner Balance & Swing (4,12)

      Circle Left 3/4, pass thru (6,2)
      Neighbor #2 Swing (8)

      Long Lines forward and back (8)
      Neighbor #3 Allemande Left 1+1/2 (8)

      Ladies Chain to Current Partner (8)
      Star Left once around, look for new partner coming out of the next star

    Written for the Neighborly Contras session at the Down East Country Dance Festival in Topsham, ME. This is a mixer dance in becket formation that had people scratching their heads, but they also had a lot of fun. Not too many places you can call this one. The tricky part is after the long lines when you have to look away from the person you just swung and allemande left the person on the other side. Written March 26, 2007.

Ashokan Flirtation

    By Chris Weiler
    duple improper

      Neighbor Do-si-do (8)
      3/8 hey (Ladies pass left, partner right), Gents Allemande Left once to Partner (4,4)

      Gypsy Partner once, gents cross set (4,2)
      Neighbor Swing (10)

      Give and Take to Ladies side (8)
      Partner Swing (8)

      Ladies Chain (8)
      Left Hand Star (8)

    In A1, an allemande right 1+1/4 can be substituted for the do-si-do for dancers that need more direction.
    Written at Ashokan New Years camp and revised at Ralph Page Dance Legacy Weekend January 15, 2006. First called by myself that afternoon at the open microphone session.